General Fitness & Lifestyle DNA

Look good, feel good. Either outdoors, in the gym or at home. Find out more about your personal DNA through a lifestyle DNA test and get back in shape with the basics.


Strength & Conditioning

Level up your power and speed. All athletes want to get faster and stronger. Mix in functional weight training, powerlifting and Olympic style weight lifting to upgrade your power and explosiveness, endurance, speed, stamina, balance and agility.


Sports Specific Fitness

It’s not always about being stronger and faster. As an athlete you must be fit to perform specifically in the sport you play. Improve specific areas about your body to optimize your game and style of play.


Exercise Recovery & Nutrition

Training smart requires proper rest and nutrition. Take the time to focus on physical and mental recovery by specific exercises and diet to speed up the process. It is critical to maximize flexibility, range of motion, core strength along with proper diet to optimize your performance. Find out the necessary measures for the recovery that you need.